
Girls on the Run coaches are trained volunteers who lead a team of participants through a season of powerful and fun lessons. You do not need to be a runner; you simply need to have a desire to support and encourage the next generation. Coaches receive all the tools and support they need and find that they get as much out of coaching as they give.

Two smiling Girls on the Run coaches holding participant
Girls on the run coach holding sign reading intuitive
Smiling Girls on the Run coach and participant

coach quote

“Being a coach has impacted me in a positive way. I feel more empowered and confident. All the lessons are lessons that even we as adults can learn from. I love the program.”

<ul> <li>Vous devez avoir au moins 18&nbsp;ans.</li> <li>Remplissez notre candidature d&rsquo;animateur.</li> <li>Consentez &agrave; une v&eacute;rification des ant&eacute;c&eacute;dents et fourni


  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Complete our Coach Application Here.
  • Consent to and complete a background check.
  • Attend and finish Coach Training.
  • Commit to the season’s practice schedule, which is two times per week after school  


  • Get to know and understand your co-coaches to better serve your team.
  • Have fun while serving as a role model for program participants.
  • Review, prepare and supervise weekly lessons (curriculum provided by Girls on the Run).
  • Collaborate with other coaches for successful lesson delivery.
  • Commit for the entire season (practices and end-of-season 5K event).
  • Facilitate communication with parents/guardians of program participants. 

Season Details

  • The FALL 2025 Season Starts: TBA
  • You must submit your Coach Application by: September 1st, 2025
  • New Coach Training information: We offer several options for in person trainig starting in late July.  Once your applcation is completed, the dates will be emailed to you.
  • The end of season 5K date for Fall is TBA for ALL counties. 

Help transform and strengthen the next generation


A Girls on the Run is smiling at the camera wearing a blue program shirt

"Watching the girls in terms of what they have learned has been really fun this season. I think the best thing they have learned as a group is to have trust in each other and to communicate with each other about how they feel."

Coach Kaylyn

A Girls on the Run coach smiles while holding a program medal at the 5K

"As a coach, I just really realized how important it is to pour into this generation of girls and lift them up."

Coach Shayla

A Girls on the Run program coach smiles at the camera outdoors.

"It’s the girls’ smiles that inspire and motivate me."

Coach Mo

Frequently Asked Questions

There are girls who need YOU to help them unleash their power and potential. If you are considering coaching, ask yourself: What better gift can you give to the next generation than inspiring confidence and a strong sense of self?

  • Almost 100% of girls said their Girls on the Run coaches care about them.
  • 99% of coaches agreed that the coaching experience was valuable for them.
  • 96% of coaches said they felt they formed positive relationships with the girls on their team.
  • 94% of Girls on the Run coaches said they felt like they were making a difference in their girls’ lives.

No! Girls on the Run provides the training, curriculum and supplies needed to safely lead a team for a season! You simply need to be a motivating role model for your team. Many of our coaches participate in their first 5K alongside their team!


A minimum of one coach per team must have CPR and First Aid certification on file by the first session of any given season and be present at every practice.

No. But here is our policy:

  • At least one female coach over the age of 21 must be present at all times.
  • Our Head Coach must be female.
  • All other coaches and assistant coaches must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Junior Coaches must be at least 16 years of age and female.

Yes! Community coaches are individuals not directly affiliated with a school or community location who support the Girls on the Run mission. Community coaches are placed according to their geographic location and their availability at sites that need additional coaches. All community coaches will need to have a background screen done by the school district if you are on school grounds.

No! We provide you with training, curriculum and supplies – everything needed to coach a safe, successful season! You should not incur any personal costs to provide the program to your team.

Our council provides each program location with the curriculum and supplies needed to facilitate the season.  All supplies needed will be given at the Coaches Kick-Off meeting each season.

Coach training includes online self-paced training and an in-person training session. In person trainings dates will be emailed to you once the coach application is completed and dates/locations/times are confirmed.

Coaches must attend and lead 75 to 90-minute practices twice per week for 10 weeks. To provide a consistent experience to participants, your commitment is crucial to prepare and collaborate with co-coaches to facilitate fun, successful lessons. Each season culminates with a team-led community project and celebratory 5K event.  

In addition to the three coaches who are 18 years of age or older, some teams may also have a Junior Coach assigned. Junior Coaches are former GOTR participants who have aged out of the program who complete an application and training. They are role models and developing leaders who support the adult coaches and mentor the team. 

Teams may practice at schools, designated parks or recreation and community centers.   The location and times are approved prior to participant registration each season. Practice times are typically set in the afterschool hours. Please CLICK HERE to see our locations and practice times.

Coaches may indicate where they would like to coach. If coaches do not have a preference, we will assign them to a location in need. 

Absolutely! The more, the merrier! Each Girls on the Run team is led by three trained coaches, and sometimes a Junior Coach. If you would like to coach at an existing site with another applicant, please mention this in your application and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Merci d’envisager d’accepter le rôle vital d’animateur bénévole pour Girls on the Run. Si vous avez toujours des questions sur la façon de débloquer le pouvoir et le potentiel des filles de votre communauté, veuillez communiqu

Thanks for considering the vital role of serving as a volunteer coach for Girls on the Run. If you still have questions about how you can unlock the power and potential girls in your community, please contact us!

Email Us


More ways to

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Want to get involved with Girls on the Run, but can't commit to serving as a coach right now? We have opportunities for everyone!

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Smiling Girls on the Run participant in wheelchair writing as kneeling coach helps

Unlock Potential

Love what you learned about our program and coaches? Sign your girl up today!

Smiling Girls on the Run participant hugging another smiling participant from behind
yellow heart

Unlock Potential

Smiling Girls on the Run participant in wheelchair writing as kneeling coach helps

Love what you learned about our program and coaches? Sign your girl up today!

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